10日放送の「バラいろダンディ」(TOKYO MX)が、女性モデルが広告で披露したすね毛に賛否があがっているとするニュースを紹介。経済評論家の勝間和代氏は、女性が自身のためではなく「社会的圧力」に屈して永久脱毛に走る例もあると主張した。
番組では「賛否両論 女性モデルがスネ毛を披露」と題し、ロケットニュース24の記事を取り上げた。記事によると、アディダスの広告動画で人気女性モデルのアルヴィダ・バイストロムが披露したすね毛について、ネット上で賛否真っ二つに分かれているとのことだ、
My photo from the @adidasoriginals superstar campaign got a lot of nasty comments last week. Me being such an abled, white, cis body with its only nonconforming feature being a lil leg hair. Literally I've been getting rape threats in my DM inbox. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to not posses all these privileges and try to exist in the world. Sending love and try to remember that not everybody has the same experiences being a person 🌎 Also thanks for all the love 🌹got a lot of that too ❤️❤️❤️❤️
(引用元:livedoor news)
cis body with its only nonconforming feature
adidasoriginals superstar campaign got a lot
t even begin to imagine what it&
ve been getting rape threats in my
Sending love and try to remember that
s like to not posses all these
Me being such an abled
Also thanks for all the love
arvida bystr&
got a lot of that too
Literally I&
My photo from the
arvida byströ
I can&
Literally I'
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